Address of Establishment
Date of Event
Point of Contact (Owner/Manager/Organizer)
Before uploading your plan, please review the guidance below and confirm your plan includes all required information.
Upload File(s)
Seating chart/blueprint included with waiver application?
Requirements include the following:
Seating chart for performers included with waiver application?
**DC Health will not approve plans that promote large gatherings, congregating and do not support appropriate and adequate safeguards and social distancing**
This form must be signed and notarized as a prerequisite to the waiver approval
The undersigned certifies under the penalty of perjury, that the facility has met all requirements as outlined in the application.
The undersigned certifies that they are aware that DC Health and any District of Columbia agency shall suspend activities if non-compliance is observed during the event. The term “non-compliance” includes deviation from the approved waiver.
The undersigned chooses to sign this attestation willingly and without reservation and is fully aware of its meaning and effect.
Signature of Owner or Manager:
Print Name
Date Picker