Please upload the following attachments:
There is a 250MB limit on each attachment.
All attachments required, unless stated below, must be submitted as PDF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel files, and be uploaded. If you need to combine multiple PDFs into a single file, please use the following website:
- Application Narrative (not to exceed ten (10) pages)
- Evidence Based Intervention Citation (optional)
- Certifications and Assurances
- Proposed Program Schedule (optional)
- Program Budget
- Board approved Organization Annual Budget
- IRS Determination Letter of 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dated August 29, 2020 or earlier
- Clean Hands Certificate with the DC Office of Tax and Revenue dated within the past year (August 29, 2021 or later)
- DCRA Certificate of Good Standing dated within the past year (August 29, 2021, or later)
- DCRA Basic Business License, currently valid or valid through, August 29, 2022 or later
- Two (2) years of the most recent Income Statement and Balance Sheet
- One year of most recent audit, completed within the last 12 months
- Two (2) years of the most recently completed Form 990, 990EZ, or 990N and any schedules filed