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DC Taxi and Vehicle-for-Hire Complaint Form

Use this form to file a complaint with the DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) and the Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV) about a vehicle-for-hire trip in the District of Columbia. OHR has jurisdiction over discrimination in public accommodations such as vehicles-for-hire, and DFHV has jurisdiction over vehicles-for-hire which are licensed in Washington, DC. OHR and DFHV will investigate the incident independently.

Complainant Information

Full Address

Vehicle and Driver Information

Provide as much information about the taxicab and driver as you can. Missing information may prevent the Department from identifying the driver and resolving your complaint.

Trip Information

Origin Address

Destination address

Trip date

Taxi: Hailed, Dispatch or App

If App:

Transport DC:

Fare receipt (Scan and upload as PDF or word document)

Click Here to Upload

Section II

Please answer the question below to file a complaint of discrimination with the DC Office of Human Rights:

Do you believe you were discriminated against by a driver or company because of one of the protected traits below?

If you answered “Yes” in the above question, which protected traits do you believe were used to allegedly discriminate against you? *

Section III

Videos/photo of incident (if obtained):

Click Here to Upload


Date Picker
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