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DC Youth Advisory Council Application

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Mayor’s District of Columbia Youth Advisory (DCYAC)! This is an exciting opportunity for youth, ages 13-22, to serve as agents of change in their communities by representing the ideas and perspectives of youth throughout the District of Columbia. Priority is given to ensuring representation of as many schools, demographic groups, and neighborhoods as possible.

In order to serve on the DCYAC, you should be able to commit at least 15 hours per month to the program. All candidates must complete the DCYAC Application, and submit a letter of recommendation. Applicants are required to submit a letter of recommendation at the time of their scheduled interview. If you have any questions, please contact the DCYAC Office at (202) 727-7968 or by email:


Full Name

Full Address

Date of Birth

Date Picker



Full Name

Full Address


Full Address

Are you currently enrolled in a GED high school equivalency program?

Current Year in College

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