Full Name
Please Select the Type of Organization
Which Ward do you live or work in?
Are you able to host the training at your facility, and do you have an adequately sized and equipped room? (i.e.: projector/large TV, speakers, microphone, seating for participants)
What is the earliest date you'd like to receive the training?
What is the latest date you'd like to receive the training?
How many people would participate in the program?
Are you willing to take this training in a group setting with other similar businesses and organizations?
This training will cover a range of important topics. The program will take about four (4) hours to complete. Are you able to accommodate the full length of this training?
Disclaimer: This training is a free educational service to the public, offering an awareness level overview of the topic. This training does not convey any level of certifications or credentials to participants upon completion of the program. Participation in the program does not certify, authorize, or otherwise encourage any individual or organization to perform lifesaving functions, such as engaging a threat, directing the actions of others, or providing medical care. Participants are solely responsible for any actions they take in response to activities described in this training. It is the responsibility of the participant to know and abide by the laws applicable within their location. DC Government reserves the right to deny training requests, and the training is offered based on the availability of instructors and demand from the community.